Osteopathic Health Center

Wellness and Vitality in One Place

Testimonial: Pregnancy Massage with Marilyne Lopes

Reyan Haider recently had a pregnancy massage session for back pain relief with our Women’s Health Specialist/Physiotherapist, Marilyne Lopes at our Dubai Healthcare City Branch.

Wellness Wednesday @ Babies and Beyond

Join Women’s Health Specialist/Physiotherapist Marilyne Lopes at a FREE event at Babies and Beyond to learn more about staying fit during pregnancy and,

Overeating and Low Energy

As the travelling season comes to an end and most of us are back in town, maybe you realize that enjoying the local cuisine, wherever you have been during summers, can easily turn into the habit of overeating!

Motor development in prematurely born children: What is the real risk?

By Peter Zakopcan, Physiotherapist at Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai There has been a definite improvement in the number of premature and extremely low weight infants who have survived over the last two decades. Unfortunately, low birth weight and prematurity have also significantly increased risk of developing motor disorders in comparison to those born in full term. […]

Eye on Health on DubaiToday: Spine Alignment Panel Discussion

OHC osteopath Youssef Youssef and other health practitioners took part in a panel discussion on Eye on Health, a popular show on Dubai Eye 103.8 . They discussed different approaches to spine alignment, what methods suit which patient, differences between the methods, and the importance of spine alignment for the overall health of a person. […]

Homeopath Dr Vaneeta recognised as Professional Achiever of the Year

Our warmest congratulations to our homeopath‬ Dr Vaneeta Shahani, who recently received an award for Professional Achiever of the Year at Masala Awards 2015. This comes as a result of her hard work and dedication. Dr Vaneeta has over 25 years of experience with homeopathy.‪ If anyone deserves an award, it is Dr Vaneeta. Her […]


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