Osteopathic Health Center

Wellness and Vitality in One Place

Blog Posts



Microchimerism: The Ability of the Baby to Heal Mothers During Pregnancy

A fascinating biological connection that develops between a mother and her developing baby during pregnancy. This connection is known as microchimerism, and it refers to the presence of fetal cells in a mother’s body during and after pregnancy. What is Microchimerism? It refers to the presence of a small number of foreign cells in a […]

Tight Hips Problem? Psoas Release Might Help!

Written by: Zarmeena Gull (Senior Osteopath at OHC) Do you ever feel like your hips are as tight as a pair of skinny jeans that are two sizes too small? Well, if you want to loosen up those hips and unleash some serious dance moves, then you might want to try the psoas release! There […]

Advanced Lymphatic Treatment: The Latest in Lymphatic Drainage Massage

OHC offers Lymphedema Drainage Massage or Lymphatic Drainage Massage at our clinic in Dubai. What is Lymphedema? Lymphedema is a medical condition that occurs when there is a blockage or impairment in the normal flow of lymphatic fluid. This leads to the accumulation of lymph in the affected area, usually in an extremity (arm or […]

Fasting Preparations, the Benefits, and the Support you can Get

Preparing for fasting is essential to ensure a smooth and healthy experience. Here are some of the basic fasting preparations in order to spend a smooth process are: What Happens to the Body During Fasting Time? During fasting, the body undergoes several changes that allow it to function properly despite the absence of food and […]

Homeopathy in Dubai: The Approach and Its Benefits

Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just the symptoms of a disease. It has gained popularity in recent years as people look for more natural and non-invasive ways to treat their health conditions. A homeopathic doctor prescribes on the person’s unique symptoms, personality, and overall […]

Hydrotherapy in Dubai: What Exactly is Hydrotherapy and How does it Help?

Hydrotherapy or Aquatic Therapy is movement or exercises in a warm water environment in a specialized hydrotherapy pool using floats or properties of water to assist or resist movement. Others know it as pool physical therapy. We offer Hydrotherapy in Dubai and run by qualified rehabilitation specialists and Physiotherapists, click here to get more info. […]

Is It a Headache to Breathe?

Written by: Zarmeena Gull (Osteopath at OHC) Why does my Head Hurt when I Breathe? The link between a tight diaphragm and headaches might be the reason why you experience headache when breathing in. The reasons and solutions are quite simple, read on below. Diaphragm – This little muscle is a superstar when it comes […]

Changes in Pelvic Floor During and After Pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth are beautiful experiences for any woman, but they can put a tremendous amount of pressure on her body. There are a lot of body parts that are affected during pregnancy but one area that is affected the most is the pelvic floor. It’s a group of muscles that support the bladder, uterus, […]

All Things You Need to Know About Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) refers to any type of injury or damage to the brain which results from a traumatic event, such as a fall, car accident, sports injury, or blast exposure. Traumatic Brain Injury can be mild such as a concussion or severe causing a permanent disability or even death. Causes of Traumatic Brain […]

Everything You Need to Know About Naturopathy

Naturopathy is an approach used to treat multiple types of conditions by stimulating the self-healing mechanism of the body. It is a system of alternative medicine that emphasizes the use of natural remedies, such as herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes, to promote health and well-being. Naturopathic practitioners believe that the body can heal itself and […]

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