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Karolina “Karo” Domaranczyk

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Karolina “Karo” Domaranczyk



Osteopathy diploma, Osteopathie Schule Deutschland, Germany
Masters in physiotherapy, thesis on ‘Craniosacral therapy in tension-type headaches’, Poland
Post-diploma in Functional Medicine, Institute for Functional Medicine, U.S.

Languages: English, Polish

Karo can treat: 

  • Gastrointestinal dysfunctions
  • Headaches: migraines and tension-type
  • Jaw pain (TMJ dysfunctions) and Tinnitus
  • Insomnia, anxiety, depression
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fybromialgia
  • Neck pain & Whiplash
  • Women’s Health, painful periods and endometriosis
  • Assists patients with autoimmune conditions – Hashimoto, rheumatoid artritis, MS (multiple sclerosis)
  • Assists patients with metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
  • Improves breathing function and breathing depravations

Karo is an osteopath with 9 years of clinical experience, a diagnostician with a deep interest in functional medicine. She has treated thousands of patients in Europe and South-East Asia. She works integratively, including all the three branches of osteopathy – parietal, cranial and visceral, being focused on diagnosing the root cause of the ailments. She undertook internships, dissection anatomy courses and mentorships from the key osteopaths in Europe. She has a solid background and education in mitochondrial medicine, microbiology, biohacking, breathing and stress management methods, longevity research, modern and integrative medicine approach.

Apart from cocreating integrative medicine clinics in Poland, she was creating osteopathy pop-ups in Bali, Sri Lanka and Spain. She created a Humanitarian Project, delivering osteopathy healthcare for locals in rural areas of Sri Lanka. She has been honoured to become an academic private assistant for Valeria Ferreira from BSO for visceral osteopathy classes. Before that she became the youngest academic assistant for cranial osteopathy classes, also was giving consecutive interpretations for anatomy classes for students in Osteopathie Schule Deutschland, biggest school for osteopathy in Germany.

She’s been giving lectures on conferences and been active in bringing osteopathy awareness around the world via events and podcasts.


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